More and more and more papercrafts

A while back I put up some photos of paper crafts Isaac had printed from websites and assembled. (You can see the previous posts here and here.)

Since then Isaac has found several more pattern sites, and he can usually be found with scissors and gel glue, assembling yet more models.  He takes them to school to work on in his spare time, and has gotten many of his friends interested in building paper models as well.  We had to give him a ration for his color printing, and, like most crafters, he always has many WIPS (works in progress) and UFOs (un-finished objects.)  We finally managed to get some photos taken of his latest projects.  This is a very photo-heavy post (my apologies if it crashes your internet connection.)  Also, the links for the various websites he’s used will be found before each set of photos.

These patterns were found at Paperboxworld.  They have lots of cute animals and vehicles and are simple enough for younger kids to assemble with a little help:

This turkey was designed by Ike at  This website gives you tools to design your own little boxy critter or person, and you can even upload a photo to use for a surface.  This is another easy and fun one for young kids.

The following three pictures are of models found at the Canon printer website.  If that link doesn’t work, just do a search for the Canon website, click on “papercrafts” and you’ll find an abundance of truly amazing models.

The following three photos are of designs from  These ones are designed with slots and tabs so they don’t require any glue.

All of the remaining models are from  This website features multiple papercraft designers.  In some cases they will “rip” models from N64 or Gamecube games, using a ROM 3DCG software and a program which will flatten the 3DCG data into a papercraft.  (That last sentence was  a direct quote from Isaac.)  The site is updated pretty often.  That site also has a page of links to many more papercraft websites.  If you are a non-video-game-playing female and do not recognize the subjects of these models, chances are your spouse or boyfriend or brothers or children WILL.  The last two or three models are WIPs (works in progress,) but Isaac liked them enough that he wanted them photographed, anyway.

(Author’s note:  If you’re wondering how I found the time to post all these photos and write this up for Isaac, I would invite you to take a peek at my drastically disordered kitchen and house, and at the lack of dinner on our table — except, really, I’d rather you not look.  Just enjoy the pretty paper models.  Anyway, there’s no law against eating cold cereal for Sunday supper.)

This entry was posted in Creative miscellany, My kids actually are funny (and sweet and wonderful). Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to More and more and more papercrafts

  1. Cheryl Bishop says:

    Zina, I have seen just a few of the many that Isaac has done! Hehe…he sure loves to do them and there are worse things to “spend” ones time doing.
    One question though…what do you do with them all? Just photogratph and throw out after a given time period? Or will you home one day be over run by amazing Isaac crafts? 🙂

  2. zstitches says:

    This is far too difficult a question. We still have a plastic box full of origami models from his last paper-crafting stint, and he insists he still wants them all. Maybe at some point I’ll be able to talk him into some careful weeding.

  3. Lili says:

    Very Kewl.
    He could decorate a Festival of Trees tree with them!

  4. Grandma says:

    WON. DER. FUL.

  5. Pilcrow says:

    Actually if you lived in Texas you could be arrested for feeding your family cold cereal for Sundah suppah. Quite right, too. Don’t know how you live with yourself.

    Z the whole point of the internet is that nobody has to know your house is a mess. It’s like the ultimate receiving room.

  6. zstitches says:

    Well, Pilcrow, immediately after I wrote how I didn’t want anyone to see my house tonight, Andy and Anneke stopped by. It was very ironic, if you use the word ironic incorrectly. It brought Dean and me to life enough that we cleaned our kitchen and made dinner for our kids, so things ended well. (And of course, Andy and Anneke, you are always welcome to stop by — especially now that you’ve seen (what I hope was) the worst.)

  7. zstitches says:

    Oh, and also, Pilcrow, are you saying I’m using the internet WRONG? (I suspected as much . . . )

  8. Grandpa T says:

    Ike, would you please bring a couple of your favorite paper craft creations to Thanksgiving dinner? I’d love to see them up close.

    (As if I could stop you!)


    Grandpa T

  9. American Yak says:

    I want me a paper tiger.

    That paper wolf, on the other hand, is incredibly cool.

  10. American Yak says:

    In fact. I’m almost wishing I had a blog named “Paper Tiger” instead of “American Yak.”


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